Sunday, January 28, 2024

Looking for Redemption

 A very lazy Sunday morning

1 cup of coffee down and I'm trying to get motivated

It's breezy out this morning

But the sun shines bright today

I'm enjoying my time with my sister

Brother in law Tim still hasn't forgiven me

He had an interesting bond with Terria

He's disappointed and angry with me

I'm sitting on the front porch right now

Feeling a loneliness that's hard to describe

Is it missing what I no longer have

Or the fact that these are the remnants of what is left

This solo act I'm flying today makes me want to go out

Be in public, the farmers market, the promenade

Someplace where people are present

Take a camera and take pictures of happy people all around

It doesn't bother me so much anymore

To see couples holding hands , being affectionate

I was never a fan of PDA, but God knows I adored my Terria

If she were beside me right now I would never let her go

Times and circumstances change

That forever hug is forever gone to die

Unable to change the rivers flow

I watch my world float away

This is my destiny, to be alone, remorseful and sad at times

Nobody asked to go through this mess

But I rudely showed the way

Redemption and forgiveness are my battle cry. Help me!

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