Tuesday, January 2, 2024

The greatest collapse

 As I look at my phone's screen saver

I see a beautiful picture my puppy Drew dog

So handsome and loving, loyal to the end

Something I could not learn from him

I miss him and his momma T

They were full of life and have purpose

I used to display my wife and I

I can't deal with that being a distant memory

Today I actually felt like death

No will no strength no ability to cope

I felt my body trying to leave me

I was ok with that

It's not just the fact that I lost my family

That hurts ,it really does

It's the hurt I've inflicted on the ones I love

The very same that were dying with me

Every step of the way I was supported

Loved unconditionally until the conditions were beyond repair

How far I've fallen, forever sullen

Nobody will ever forgive or forget

That emptiness I carry today

Hollow shell of a man once deemed a supportive wall

Rock and pillar to the woman I love

Now just dust in a corner where I used to sit

I've never been one to look back

Now all I can do is hold onto a memory

Vivid, clear and so very true

Her Goodness was my forever gift

Goodness gone because I made it so

I can't beat myself up anymore

No strength and not enough space to write about it

But I continue to try, continue to cry

I wouldn't call it a pity party

More a realization of the truth

The truths ironically call my name

Yes it's me again, hello and goodbye

It's that time of the night to call it

Here comes the darkness waiting for me

The longest days are the nights

When sleep is a long lost friend

I will pray myself to sleep again

Mumble my favorite songs

Ask my Lord and my Terria for forgiveness

May the morning prove me wrong 

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