Monday, January 1, 2024

My best Terria

 I came up on a photo montage today.

The memories reminder that you get on occasion

So much time elapsed

So many wonderful memories

I see you holding out grandkids

I see you next to me on the ship

Pictures of that smile of yours

The smile I would kill to see again

I know you aren't talking to me now

Maybe you never will again

I text and text waiting for a reply

I die a little more with each no reply

There's nothing I can say to you

Apologies are fruitless at this time

You say I don't care about you or your feelings

Your hurt feelings and broken heart have made me die

Terria I want you to know

That your love was always the best

Life without you and that love

Has really become meaningless

When I dread waking up each morning

I dread the day ahead

I think about you and what you're doing

And I want to rub your back

I hear our little sayings

The cuteness always on display

Every corner every turn I take

I see a restaurant we used to share

I see you in my mind all day

I cherish the memories

Today I'm feeling the loss and devastation

I don't know how I can ever move on

This is something I can't comprehend

And I'm sure you feel the same

I take your silence with me

As disgust ,anger and disappointment

At this point in my life 

There is nowhere to go without you

Our trips to Phoenix,Mcfees, Cambria and local eateries

I can never again go without you

I wish you would talk to me

But I understand why you don't

I'm trying so hard to give you space

It's so hard to be without you

If you read this and I think you will

I do have a couple requests

I want to read your letter

And I can't die not forgiven

It's obvious I want you back

I've destroyed roads and burned bridges

I pray you will reconsider someday

To rebuild our broken dream

Either way my biggest wish

Is to one day see your happiness

The smile, the bubbly personality shining bright

I want to say hello again, I want to hear that laugh

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