Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Life without you

 It's a new day 

Cold outside warm and nice inside

Don't really venture out much lately

So I work from home and wait for the day to end

I'm feeling very non descript today

No emotions or feelings whatsoever

Maybe Emotional overload has worn me down

Because I haven't stopped caring

I slept well last night emotionally drained

I didn't dream at all

The reality of a full nights sleep

Really did the trick

Contemplating breakfast but not hungry for food right now

I would love to receive a text from you

Hey asshole how's it going for you

For which I have no good reply

I could say I'm sad and miss you

I could lie and say life is great!

Would it matter what I say to you

You've checked out and won't be back.

Such an odd emotional state for me today

I wonder why my sadness hasn't kicked in

I haven't listened to one of those songs

I opt for comfort and write about it

I think you're still on vacation

I'm leery to write you and ask

The deafening silence breaks my heart

I don't need anymore tears

My anticipation and contemplation

Upcoming retirement awaits me

I still have a hard time holding on 

To the destruction of our master plan

Growing old together, 

now growing old apart

Each trip I take to somewhere else

Incomplete and lacking my love

I can ask myself as a broken man

Things didn't have to be this way

How did I go from living the dream

To my life without you

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