Sunday, January 7, 2024

I Have Failed again!

 It's cold outside, the wind is howling

Back inside where it's 72 degrees

I feel the warmth in my chair

My heart is cold and hurts really bad

I'm trying not to reflect on recent mistakes

So very hard when all I have are great memories

Thrown away for reasons I don't even have answers for

The emptiness is my life is killing me right now

When I think about the little things

The words, movements and gestures

It makes me feel like I need to rush home and say hello Honey

The cruelness of reality slaps me down again

I can think of a thousand things that make me smile

Not grandkids, kids , stuff, only her

The best years of my existence were because of her

Now my solitude is because of What I did to her

I have been blessed regardless of all outcomes

I do realize I had a lifetime of goodness in my hands

The same hand that threw it all away

On a temporary feeling only minutes in the making

Where I am am not where I want to be

It is where I deserve to be

A person can only be given so many opportunities to fail

Not to create a monopoly in the destructive process

I can wait for my phone to notify me

I can wait for the answers I want to hear

I can hope there is a forgiving soul

I can wait to die a lonely man

I can't truly ask for redemption or another chance

I can own my self destructive behavior and I do

I will live with the consequence of my choices

I just want her to be protected from the evil she's been through with me

What will I say next time we speak

I miss you, I'm sorry are so very weak

I can surely tell her that she is the best

I had it all and failed life's big test

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