Sunday, January 7, 2024

Figure it out

A very quiet Sunday night

My Rams won their game today

Feeling pretty good about the day today

Sat in the sun with my 2 older sisters

I feel so good when I'm around my people

I can't stand being by myself.

I work all day with no distractions

Maybe I need some turmoil to keep me in line

I find when I'm alone I feel an emptiness

I need somebody to talk to and interact

Idle minds do stupid things

I reach out from my demons for that quick distraction

My behavior brings me guilt and pain

Saying I won't ever do this again

But the demons are diligent and take no rest

Preying on weaknesses that appear so obvious

Trying so hard to figure it out

So much to process and think about

The upcoming days will show me a direction

But that doesn't mean I'll take the right one

Figure it out it's not that hard you say 

Stand in my shoes and they will be too big

I can't  sense the trouble in front of me

I must face the consequences for my infidelities 



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