Monday, November 1, 2010

Bad Gutbomb

Had a rough night last night with stomach aches and cramps and really felt shitty last night. Was uop til about 430-5 am and didn't go into work today, feeling better and will head out to work and get the last half of the day in as I am wasting it here at home. Apparently there are others not in today so I will rush in and at least be in the office to assist in any way I can. A close to a good weekend and hopes this workweek flys by quickly and without incident. Thanks Terria for calling and checking in on me feeling better and am headed to the shower to go to work and be there in body if not spirit and get Monday out of the way! Til later i will write more  and see what todays Monday has in its pocket. Thanks again T for calling in and I am fine if by chance you should happen to read this at work. As if we won't text off the hook til then Dih On my part I know, See you soon!


  1. I've figured it out...your stomach has been BAD ever since I started cooking again.....Mmmmm every problem has a solution!!!

  2. That is godamm funny u are killing Me Terria Lynn Duran ya mamalook. You are an incredible cook and you are not getting out of cooking the occasional meal...Fuck!
