Sunday, November 28, 2010

Touching Many Bases

Feeling pretty good about the weekend, Ty came out of emergency room alright, all tests were normal and a sigh of relief was felt by Terria and I. So that was a nice relief for us, also got to see my Friend Brad Holland and my old school Mate Ramona this weekend and truly enjoyed the spiritual uplifting by both of their presence! Brad actually came to the Hospital yesterday and visited with Ty and us and that meant allot to Ty as well as Terria and I. So the drama is over and our boy will be ok and that's a great thing for sure. Tomorrow we go back to the work grind and actually am looking forward to the normalcy that the work day brings to me believe it or not and knowing that Terria goes back to work after her furlough days from work this past week from school. she works 3 weeks and then 2 more weeks off from work for the Christmas holiday vacation, I am actually taking a full week off this year and will enjoy the 17th through the 27th off from work and will really enjoy this years holiday season, unlike last year where Terria was worn out and I was torn out and really had a horrific holiday season healing from the accident. But I digress and really am thankful for the opportunity to heal fro it all and that has made me a better person and stronger Christian believer in faith and belief in the miracles that the Lord has produced. but unlike some i won't beat people over the head with my bible or the word that is a very personal thing and if somebody wants to know then i will answer,but I feel the paper Christianity around me these days is unreal and so hypocritical and people have got away  from the real meaning of what it means to be a Good christian, ,it's not about how much we give at church or how many scriptures we share with those who probably don't want to hear it, it's about giving of yourself and being a good, loving and caring human being without the need for accolades or the need to grandstand while others watch. It's giving of yourself without mention of it and going on about your life knowing that you have done your  part and that our God would be happy to know that we are trying to make others life's better by our deeds, not our ego or the reception of attention we may get by doing something good. well enough about that , the life we live is the life we choose to live and with all of the blessings that we share and are so fortunate to be in a place both spiritually and emotionally that is second to none and a place that i have never been before and never want to depart from. So here we are and her I am working and building towards a good life by living right and doing right by those around me, i have so many areas of my life that are ideal, and so many areas of my life that will one day be there as well. So each and every day is a good day, it's an opportunity to live and grow , learn and breathe the goodness that we have been given and improve upon that which needs improving, being a human being we will always be flawed and always need a cleaning up and shining to get the where we want to be , and need to be as good human beings. Good days and Good Night , til tomorrow comes, I'm out!

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