Monday, November 22, 2010

Mentally Exhausted

after writing the recounting tales of my accident earlier this morning  I find myself drained and wasted right now. The fact that it felt like a deep seeded therapy session where difficult topics were brought out of the vault and being  dealt with after having been stored away for the winter. I'm at Peace with the entire 365  day period that has transpired and have no other choice than to prosper instead of succumb to the dregs of the years and the hard to handle issues that did come up over that time period. Life is life and it is precious and worth working towards and making better on an ongoing basis, Life at times can and  does take over and how we handle that attempt for life to handle our wits is the essential part of what makes us who we are. I know that my usual long winder, over articulated conversations are a nuisance or hindrance to some people, and that i get, my humor at times is even annoying to me, but the one constant thing i strive for is the art of being Greg, the way that i can interact with people daily and keep my perspective and the old thought process of doing unto others really helps me to understand and be more lenient on those that i think are being ridiculous, i can be ridiculous and retarded at times and yet ask for no latitude in dealing with me. The fact that  marked a time frame of a very difficult time period in many people lives is justification that we are all strong people and can handle anything thrown our way, i always felt the peace of knowing that whatever happened to me throughout it all would be ok with it, i knew this as i was a spiritual awareness that i somehow gravitated towards in my times  of need and disallusionment, for this i thank my God for helping me to keep my perspective ,even when there was no perspective for things happening the way they did, why did my Kidneys that were failing all of a sudden start to work again, why does a perfect marriage all of a sudden become broken when it was working so well. this is life's violent and critical window of opportunities to either win in life or be eaten alive by it all. the strength and resolve that we as human being always seem to have inside of us only shows us that we are stronger than we give ourselves credit for and that when we surround ourselves around a positive force, be it people or a faith in a higher being we can always see the light at the end of life's cruel tunnel. i thank my family and wife for being the constant positive and i thank my spiritual fried Frank Schaeffer for enabling me to see the other side of life, the side which took me from near death to healthier than ever before, this road happens for a reason, for the matrimonial turmoil i created  only to re-build it all stronger than ever before, thorough love and faith and that grasp on things that i never had before. so thanks for a celebratory day and a reason to cook up some Rib-eyes and rejoice in the day for all that it has brought me and my family, not only in the day , but in looking back and seeing the growth and building blocks to a great future, for however long we are allowed to live on this earth we make each moment count and touch as many people as we can along the way bringing positivity and Love whenever and wherever we can. Thanking God and my wonderful family and friends! God has blessed us all in so many areas, life is great , and life is precious, i will take that with me til life is taken away from me and for that i am eternally grateful !

1 comment:

  1. My ass is cooked, i was trying to formulate some poetic justice for this day and i am really on "E" right now and the station for re-fueling is waiting for me at home in the form of Some Rib-eyes steaks and a football sized baked potatoes, so much so am i wiped out that even the gym can go get fucked today i am spent, so til either tomorrow or later on tonight after a rejuvenating dinner ,a shower and the reflection form the pool of goodness i live and breathe everyday
