Monday, November 8, 2010

My 30 minute lunch

Nearing the lunchtime hour and really trying hard to figure out what I'm going to do with a 30 minute lunch, can't truly go anywhere and accomplish anything so I will make a sandwich and kick back in the lunchroom and watch Sportcenter or something productive like that. I did make potatoe, sausage,onion and egg breakfast burritos for the office this morning while here at work, that's how busy I was and continue to be equally as inactive so far today. I am not complaining trust me just stating the facts. well I had a break in the action of writing , actually had work come in so now I'm back and writing. Have not left for lunch yet and should probably do so and make the latter part of the day a good and short one. As I stated earlier, a trip to the gym after work and then business as usual for us, feeling a little poetic today and have some writings up my sleeve after lunch and should be quite interesting to say the least. My published hardback Blog of the "Saurus should be coming real soon, my birthday gift to Terria this year along with the Cardinals Rams game in Glendale AZ this Dec 5. So I am headed to lunch and really hungry! more to come and more to share!

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