Monday, November 15, 2010

Evening Rest

Watching , or was watching a bit of the Football game, WTF and now channel surf through the high numbered channels and away from the garbage on the networks. Waiting a little bit for the only thing besides 60 minutes that I will watch on the networks, 2 1/2 men. The workday ended very nicely, actually held true to my word and did not workout today and feeling a bit rested right now. Went through the Apple store tonight and apparently Apple is bringing something Big out tomorrow morning for something, they always do something big and even have a banner as I opened up the homepage on my new computer, so no rumors  that I know of and just patiently await to see if it's something that I can use or not. It was really cool of the Boss to give us back our 60 minute lunches an thus allow us all to go about our business and have a proper lunchtime. He said he was trying to make a point for people not showing up to work and showing up whenever they wanted to. He had been taken advantage of and his kindness was mistaken for weakness. I did however make it a point to express my opinion to my coworkers  and tell them they better not fuck it up and take 60 minute lunches and don't take advantage of the Boss since he is so easy to work with and, we shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth. So the point was made and I will say something to them when they start to fuck around  because i do not like 30 minute lunches. So I do commend Peter for being understanding but who knows next time what he might do if they don't get the message this time. Amazing to me that the private sector, the real world would fire 75 percent of our workers, the incompetence and lack of respect for the best paying and easiest job they and we will ever have in out lifetimes. Yeah, the real world where people are losing their jobs and fight for the jobs that are there, sometime 10 people apply for the 1 job that is available and even more at times, to include working at the local Walmart or Circle K, there is so much to be said for the real world ,private sector, the ability to hire and fire based on ability and not necessarily seniority or being protected by the federal statutes that make it impossible to lose your job regardless of whether or not you ever show up, or whether or  not you use the Govt credit cards to fill your ow gas tank or purchase other things that are totally illegal and would get private sector employees thrown in jail, but the system is the way it is and people know how to exploit everything as  long as it benefits their cause, sad but true. Seems to be an ongoing cause these days;see the Republican party and it's a on going thing where idiots like Sarah Palin get their own shows and make millions of dollars from being fucking idiots, and the fact that people watch this dogshit is even more indicative that we have become a nation of stupid fucking people. so going to make some popcorn and get ready for the show in 10 minutes. Good night and good luck

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