Monday, November 29, 2010

The day, the book, the world???

Went to the driving range for lunch, skipping the gym today and don't really care about it today. doing some good reading, started a new book called "the Gun", it chronicles the history of the AK-47 and all of it's worldly uses and how it has essentially killed more people than any other weapon known to man, to include bombs and  other guns. a low estimate of 100 million are in circulation we speak but that's a different animal altogether. The day has gone really quickly and feeling pretty good after hitting balls, tried out the 2 new clubs i bought yesterday and feeling like they are coming along, the wind didn't allow me to gauge true distances today but hit them straight for the most part and feel good about my golf session today. Was doing some reading and viewing online in the sports world where there are some real weird characters out there. we got arguably the best receiver in the Game Johnson from the Texans getting into a fistfight with another knucklehead and watching this dude fight and hitting a guy behind his head makes me laugh, you don't do that shit if your a man, you don't fight unless you are protecting yourself  essentially but that's another 4 paragraphs alone and i ain't getting into street fighting ethics at this time. then you got the Jackass from the bills who dropped the ball that would have won the game for his team in Overtime but he dropped it, then proceeded to blame God for his drop and cursed god for not being there for him while he was always i Gods corner, whatever the fuck happened to accountability and that it is a game that he gets paid for and his drop was his own nobody else's ...fucking Jackass, but then again it;s no different when the guy points to the heavens after a Touchdown or a homerun, same stupid shit, it's still a game and not life, wonder if i should do a dance every time i complete a sentence on this blog, or help a customer on the phone, just as ridiculous but will never see that kind of stupidity anywhere but in sports! So i did get a few laughs out of the Nig Nog nation today and at times they are not Representative of their race by acting like asses and i feel for those who act like respectful souls in the course of a game,life or the world. But anyway, here i am at the back end of the day and not really much to do, might get back into my book and start to delve into more of the bad history of this weapon, but as they always say people kill people, weapons are an arms reach away, we've been killing people and starting wars with this stupidity forever, what makes this generation any different..nothing, time to rise up and take over this madness that has made us so calloused to the badness that this world has shown us. We can't change the globe, but we can change our own little piece of this world, one step at a time

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