Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Project Greg

Let's see this morning, we have Apple and their huge announcement of the Beatles coming to itunes , OK, who gives a fuck , as if the true Beatles fan does not have every song the Beatles ever made and can now complete their own personal Beatles collection because Steve Jobs decides to fight for the Beatles contract to get them on itunes! Big whoopie , goddamit i hate the fucking Beatles! So in other world of ridiculous ongoing stupidity , we have our Girl Sarah the part time Gov. of Alaska, full time stupid bitch running around the TV and Fox news continuing to be stupid and doesn't even realize it yet, but there are few million people that think she is the second coming! and watch and listen to her religiously, literally and figuratively, because as she claims she is a real American. well if that cunt is a real American ,I'm moving to Fucking Canada and if she ever becomes President i will move to Canada and get away from the far right society that the bible thumpers have created,Carry a Bible in one arm and a rifle in the other and call that rationale. We live a scary society where people are allowed to hate and spew their hatred under the first amendment rights, "if we can't win on the Ballots, we'll win with bullets , and gets away with that type of hatred and Rhetoric. Yeah we live with a bunch of bible thumping world end wishing mother fucking idiots i swear to Christ. but hey I can't control that shit , which Is why i have never registered to vote and if one more person tells me that you can't complain I will kick their fucking ass. People think that just because we have the right to vote we should, ok , go for it and when they elect another President Bush, i can always say I didn't have anything to do with putting that piece of shit in office so go fuck yourself and wrap yourself around the goddamn flag all you Real Americans!!! God Damn i really hate stupid narrow minded people, think poutside the box every now and then, or for crissakes, think period, the idealogy wars are killing America and the far right religious movement has created a following under under the guise of the Bible and it's intended goodness, so you take an inaccurate book, the bible, then you get stupid people who want to interpret it their own way, which is even worse than the bible itself, what a recipe for disaster that is. and it's ok in their eyes to go back 225 years and say this is what our founding fathers based this country on, these people are like the Catholic church, they have not evolved one bit and still go back 200 plus years and quote things that no longer apply couple that with the outdated and inaccurate bible...Ouch..." Stuck on Stupid!!!" Being a Christian again i believe in the goodness intended by the bible, but cannot and will not buy into the every word of it, it's not natural to put so much stock of faith, there is a sense of realism and a sense of common sense that I'm sure our God wants us to utilize, he did in fact give the powers of reason and though and for those who choose not to use it properly I believe is a sin in itself. Something I keep trying to tell My friend Nevarez is that religion is man made, faith and belief in God is not man made, it's broken by man and that we all have the abilities to give and be good people and want to live our lives under the golden rule, just think about the simple concept if the golden rule, if we treated everybody like we would like to be treated , unconditionally without hesitation and doubt, we would be the society and people i think that the bible is trying to relay to us. I can only make my own interpretations of how i think a person should be treated, i know how i would like to be dealt with , with love and respect and caring and giving hands and cast no judgements upon me until you know me, and then when you do give me ways to become better. My friend Robert nevarez once commented when i told him that i was a Christian, he said why are you a Christian and can't make a commitment, i then said the Church of Pedophilia does not suit my needs and i am shocked that it suits yours! Yeah, the alter boys at the Catholic church are the only ones who get that statement in its intended dagger toss. i love my life, my world , my family and the fact that my wife is the most incredible thing ever is one of the blessings that my god has given me and made me work for and continue to do so, no pain no gain and nothing ventured ,  nothing gained is so true to my heart and world these days. The days are great and the life that i have today is really true and don't need that doubt nor do i need the constant reassurance that i am where i need to be. Terria asked me last night if i made the right decision to work on my marriage and keep our family together? She asked if i second guessed being single and free to run about free from responsibilities and worry, i told her succinctly and directly that I had already lived that life 20-25 years ago and that was never a satisfying way to live, Sex was great but it was meaningless and the constant fight to find what i already had was stupid, to answer her question i told her she was what i fought so hard to find, and then let it go and was given the opportunity to get the train back on it's track and roll in the right direction, now the reasons for my departure have been catalogue ,chronicled and beaten to death, they were what they were at the time and I can look back to look forward and grow from where i have detoured and if I don;t that's on me, i have the power ,fortitude and smarts to get back what i almost gave away freely. But as i said to Terria last night, this all made me realize, i am a human being, i am Fallible and mistake prone and a real breathing and living person that put himself so high on life's pedestal that my arrogance made me thing i was invincible and free from the laws of the rest of the world. so there i was "In love"? with 2 woman at the same time when i didn't even love myself, not going to argue the validity of my loves and departures but it made me think that Greg Duran is a complex soul that never lost his perspective, just lost who he was and what he was and in the end the man upstairs has given me yet another chance to get a proper stance on things. I'm not that special to think that I;m a chosen person of goodness, there is some chance and some luck involved with my life and all that crosses my path turns to gold, that much i don't have an explanation for , other than the fact that i do thank my Lord for the gifts,the intelligence and the powers within to make the necessary changes in my life to make not only myself happy and wholesome and loving and giving, but others to freely do the same, and for this the "project Greg" is always a work in progress. so for now i can only say Good days and great times for me and my very wonderful family and few friends that i do have.Loving life and loving those who are a part of it all on a daily basis...God has blessed us all!

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