Sunday, November 14, 2010

Late Night and Early Morning

Very long day indeed, did everything I set out to do minus the shitty workout and the double double burger! We had a really nice dinner for Big sister and got to see the mainstays of the McCarthy and Duran clan all in one room together, i was even nice to my mother tonight which almost killed me...JK! We finished off the night at Aprils house and enjoyed birthday cake made by yours truly and Honey T! It's 1230am and I'm still up and feeling rather wide awake, The fact that Tim is coming by to pick me up around 9 am to go to breakfast and then to the golf course for 18 holes of golf. It really looks like Sunday will be an great all around day, missing the gym tomorrow or at least not til 5 pm after we finish golfing, damn the workout and attitude have to be better than today's debacle, now not really a big deal but once again i start throwing my brain into this instead of letting it go and moving on and essentially giving my self a slow easy day at the gym instead of self lambasting myself for the poor effort today. I assured myself that this was bullshit and even contemplated going back to the gym and doing it right the second time, thankfully I ran out of time before our dinner date and otherwise would have ventured my ass back to Bally's and get it right the second time! So with that out of the way I look forward  to an incredible Sunday of Breakfast, Golf and camaraderie with my brother in law Tim and Tommy  2 gloves, Tims buddy from work, these 2 crack my shit up and give me a reason to be glad to be golfing instead of mowing my lawn ! Learning how to slow it down and appreciate the little things like the weather and the company I keep and the events of the day that are supposed to be fun and entertaining, for example Golfing tomorrow, or actually later on this morning ! Having a great weekend so far and am actually ok with the work week coming up, have a couple of appt's this coming week, Thursday at 4:20 go to the Orthopedic for another check on my still sore knees and hopefully shoot me up and buy me more time til the scope needs to be done, after that the Therapy session will be at 6 pm and look forward to that as well. so the holidays are creeping up a little and around the corner, Ty will be 18 in 9 days and all hell will break loose with him being an adult legally, well a big deal to him but a sense of responsibility follows that next step for him, i know he will progress and grow appropriately in the maturity areas and be a better stronger young adult! Almost 1 am in the morn and I'm still spouting off about nothing, so until tomorrow comes and a good round of Golf is done I will hold off til later on in the day to rehash my day and my thoughts and all the places the mind has taken me on this day, so until later on today I am out for now and feeling really good about everything in my wrath and in my path... good night

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