Monday, November 1, 2010

Dan Fogelberg - Same Old Lang Syne (Lyrics)

This song is both a great work and a sad tale of how we always look back on where we were , sometimes that looking back brings so many doubts and what ifs,When the water runs down the river you can never retrieve its true purity or it initial meaning. When people are happy they should stay in that happiness and when they are unhappy they should definitely not kid them selves and move on and seek out that true happiness , even if it is painful. Life gives us so many opportunities to strive and thrive in where we are and where we need to be!This song EnCapsulates so many memories for me and it truly brings out the realist in me, which in turn makes this song less enjoyable thatn it should be, but it still is a soft Golden oldie for me and for that I will take being called a Pussy for liking a song such as this. It aint hard, or Rock, but it hits deeper than most and It always puts a smile on my face and i always play this song around Christmas time! RIP Dan Fogelberg!

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