Wednesday, November 10, 2010

A better Office day

What a great morning it has been so far, we had a great night of baking and hanging out and then brought the baked goods into the office where they always appreciate the efforts and immediately ask when am I bringing in more cupcakes or cookies and or another Cake???? Nice to give little things and knowing that they are appreciative of my efforts makes it all worthwhile. well I'm at the front early today one of the Sandwich ingredients didn't come in again ,that would be peanut butter, Jelly is here already but i have front desk early to help rejuvenate my emotions for this place and all of it's deadness here lately. I am trying to adjust to the 30 minute lunch period as most others have tried and seems weird not working out at lunchtime but the rules are the rules and must be followed because we do have it so good here and most here have abused the privilege to work in this type of environment. When i hear people complain about work or the customers I instantly go off on them and simply say, "you aint got shit to complain about, this job is the best job you will ever have and try doing this shit in the real world, we'd all be fired, as for the customers complaining, hey they are the reason we have jobs ...period, so my customer service background kicks into high mode whenever there is a customer in the office. It was in fact a lost art there for awhile but companies, most recently the T mobiles and the AT&T customer service is amazing, they have all been trained in this field and corporations know that without it they will lose their customers no questions asked! It is a refreshing site to be treated as if we matter when you go into a store or a bank or somewhere when you ask a  question, if they don't know they will find out. that s  my view here in the office, i hear I don't know from my colleagues and I go nuts, you may not know but there is somebody in this office who does so get up and find the Mother fucking answer for crissakes!!! This is my peeve for sure, the whole reason we are here is to provide a service, we have all been trained in our respective fields of service and still i get the half assed answers from my co-workers and the attitudes are amazing to me, generally this office handles it's shit well, but we do have some real personalities in this place and sometimes those personalities override their professional side and it gets very irritating to see and watch, so i do intervene when i see things going in the wrong direction, my co workers might get upset but thats better than me telling them they're rude or why don;'t you find this man the answer  right in front of the customer, won't ever do that!!but they need to be serviced for the reasons that they enter our building, to be housed, moved, repaired whatever the case may be, they pay for our services and should be treated in a world class fashion. I have been to to over 9-12 customer service seminars  and training modules all over the country, in Atlanta, Jacksonville, San Diego , the govt has paid big money for me and some of my co workers to be properly trained in the fields of customer service and it boggles the mind when they don't utilize that training to its designed purpose. So enough about that ,the day is progressing very nicely and it is Wednesday before Veterans day, we are off tomorrow and  will truly enjoy the day off with Terria and probably Tim and Ape somewhere somehow doing something cool. Celebrating Big sister Aprils 55th birthday on Saturday ,going to BJ's, Tim wanted to do Lawry's in Beverly hills and then another fancy place in Camarillo, but why get ridiculous and spend all of that money, big sister just wants her family there not the uncomfortable stuffy place where the food is great and the atmosphere sucks ass! So he decided on BJ's and a better choice where we can be free to make noise and have the time she deserves! Was also invited by the Girls, Debbie and Stacy to attend a Happy hour with them at Pirates Grub and Grog on Friday, not sure whether or not Terria will go, need to check with her and see if we don't have something else going on. So it's nearing 11 o'clock am and the desk will be covered for one more hour, then I decide where and how I'm spending my lunchtime, maybe golf balls at lunch but that takes me longer than the prescribed 30 minute lunch period so still yet undecided. So I'm still trying to decide on that one. til later ,I am out and do some surfing and reading and see where it takes me

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