Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Night Night and Happy Veterans Day

10 pm and watching TV with Terria and trying to figure out what we will do for the 4 day weekend we are blessed with. Just sitting in my chair and typing away on the new Macbook air and loving every minute of it. I can only figure that the Gym will get an early visit and then go hit Golf Balls after that. I did miss the gym today and a needed day off, second day off in 9 days which is rare for me but a needed day off , the knees were sore and the body could use another day off. i have a scheduled appointment with the Orthopedic to see what the next step will be in the task of getting my knees healthy again. Both were shot up with a synthetic Cortisone a few weeks back and felt better instantly for a week or so but now are sore again, more so the left knee but the ortho will fix me up right either thru another injection or an arthroscopy and clean out the loose and jagged debris in my knees. So that will be next Thursday and we go forward from there and I do look forward for the next chapter of the road to recovery for the Gregasaurus. As I look over to the couch I see Terria out like a light and know she has been burning the candle at both ends with the gym and early work each and every day so an early bed seems like a natural thing for her to do. It was also her day off today from the gym and we made it an early dinner night of soup and cracker, not very delicious but light and low cal and easy to digest. We are still with no plans for the upcoming holiday season, Thanksgiving is a crap shoot and don't really know where or with whom we will hang out with on Thanksgiving , Maybe Aprils, or maybe a small gathering at our house . As for Christmas we are probably doing it with April and Tim and the rest of the family. But this Saturday we are celebrating Aprils birthday #55 at BJ's in Oxnard and look forward to the event as April is a staple in everybodys life an integral positive in all of our lives and we love and admire her so much, always the good sister, the good aunt , the good daughter and wife to Timotardo. Feeling really energetic right now and watching Border wars on the National Geographic channel, yeah that's the kind of TV I do watch and we did watch 2 1/2 men earlier tonight followed by the food channel and the next iron chef. Tried to take a run at the networks and came across what looked like some kind of Country music Dogshit awards, wtf, that's the world greatest Oxymoron, Country music awards...Fuck , awarding what? Twanging wanker of the year and don't get me started on the Rap and R&B mother fuckers, goddamit that shit blows donkeys and I think the funniest thing is seeing white guys saggin and baggin with their pants and listening to Rap music, that right there is some haha funny fucking shit! well the night s dragging and my enthusiasm to write anymore s waning and i feel the need to listen to music or to find something good on the Box. so until morning sunrise I wait and ponder my next written word, move , or spoken word. here's hoping the rest of the world has a few days off and Happy Veterans day to our service members past and present

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