Thursday, November 18, 2010

So I Lied!

Just when i thought i had my day straightened out I throw my self a curveball and swing and miss.  The potluck went uneventfully, had a half a turkey and half a tuna sandwich and none of the yumm yumm desserts, to include the chocolate truffles i made last night and so desperately wanted to taste and gorge upon. But  didn't and then decided since i had 45 minutes to waste , i did end up hitting the gym and actually had a great abbreviated workout along side my mighty mouse co-worker Sabrina who actually coerced me into going instead of taking the day off. so just got back after taking a late near 1pm lunch and covered the front so people could enjoy the potluck food and enjoyed goig to a nearly empty gym. Tonight we have a full plate to include the orthopedic at 4:20 and then therapy with Morales at 6pm and then a dinner date with Terria at a place yet to be determined? The rest of the day is almost over, get out of here at 3:30 today and have time to put gas and then head over to ventura for the first appt with the Knee dude. I am really trying to keep my focus on the rest of the day and wonder what the ortho is going to say and do today,if he shoots me up with the new treatment that would be interesting to see how that new stuff works over the typical cortisone. So Terria is meeting me at the Dr and then we plan on heading to see the Therapist and then Dinner. So sometimes the plans we set get changed, wasn;'t going to eat lunch here at the potluck but did, wasn't supposed to go to the gym and take another day ofrf, but went and didn't get that day off, might cancel with the therapist if we can't come up with something concrete to bring up and focus on, otherwise he cuts it short and we make the trek to ventura for no reason other than to pay the $10 co-pay, what a nice thing to have a great insurance i tell you, and all these cock sucker republicans with their Socialism cries and and other bullshit they spew...fuck em all. so the day has less than 40 minutes to go for me here at work. Looking forward to possibly a breakfast with my nephew Bradley and then take the mower in , then head to base to warm up for our 12:37 Tee time with rich and Kenny for a great day of golf. So I'm outta here for now and will spew something out of my ass later on tonight!

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