Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thanksgiving Day!

The day of thanks began rather early this morning at 8 am, got up and watched Brandon make his patented sugar cookies dipped in Ganache, I made the Tortilla Dough  and let it rest for awhile then proceeded to roll em out and separate with wax paper for the journey to My Brothers house to cook them there.Then marinated the Ranchera meat with beer and spices and bagged it all up. we got to Rich's about 12 and had a nice lunch and some snacks, sat around watched a little Football then changed it to "It's a wonderful life" on the the Tele and finding myself riveted at that movie, never seen before in my life . Cooked my meat and Tortillas at Rich's then headed to Terria's sister 's for a dinner , more food and desserts were waiting to be eaten. Thankfully i ate reasonably today and had the gym being closed today as my guide . Just getting home a bit ago just sitting back in the TV room and reflecting on my days and my year to date. so much hurt and pain with my accident and the healing that ensued from that . The rest of my hiccups to go along with that have made me really appreciate the abilities that we have to overcome the mistakes that we have made, all in all i believe that with the faith I have and the family support never wavering at all. So much strength and love that never takes a day off. Days like today which means family and good friends are the reasons for the Holidays, to love and share and to give back the love that we are given. Today is celebrated as a day of Thanks and i enjoy that, but everyday is a day of thanks and appreciation for all of the things that we have and all that we are privileged to share it with. The day is coming to an end here soon but the goodness never ends and the life we life is dependent on the work we put into it! AGAIN, GOOD TIMES AND GOOD NIGHTS  

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