Friday, November 5, 2010

I don't Know??

Friday afternoon, the gym, golf balls and lunch all accomplished well and trying to make plans for the evening. Don't have any plans in concrete as of yet. Feel really tired and the Heat kind of wore me down a little and I'm feeling it now! But a quick shower and a little Bloggin makes me get a little energy since I love to write and talk so damn much! Just made dinner plans with big sister and Terria while Rich and Tim going to the Football game. So after that don't really have any idea as to what we will do, probably come home and write some more here and then listen to more music and download more to the phone. Yeah really wild and crazy, Terria did suggest we look for music in the area so i will do that shortly, never enough good music in the area so finding it is at times damn difficult. I really have no clue what the weekend will bring, I hear there is rain in the forecast for tomorrow so that might take Golf away from me for tomorrow but whatever happens will happen. Terria went to the gym and I am home playing on the computer and writing, waiting for her to get back and then make the million dollar decision as to where we are going for dinner. Well I'm out of things to say and need to get some clothes on and try to come up with a dinner venue that will make us all happy

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