Friday, November 26, 2010

What a Great Day!

Today was a day that i have waited for a long time now. I have been talking about and thinking about my friend Mona for awhile and since we reconnected last year via facebook and continued to converse and still do. My Friend Mona was diagnosed with with Breast Cancer and had a double Mastectomy and has since gone through Chemotherapy and now completed Radiation and is on the mend, her hair is slowly growing back and I could not wait to meet my friend that went through high school together. Unfortunately It took the death of her mother to brig her int town and she called me  and asked if she could meet with me and meet Terria for lunch someday soon, someday was today and we met at Friends cafe in Port Hueneme and had a great long lunch and an incredible conversation. Mona is a living Angel and so pleasant and loving. Having gone through so many trials and tribulations in her own life she shared with us and she asked some really good questions, always prefaced with whether or not it was "too Personal" to ask and we answered and we enjoyed the life's stories that have evolved since the nearly 30 years since we have seen each other and she was the first person i met in high school in my first class in algebra . she Was and is such a sweet woman and i feel very blessed to have finally re connected with Mona and thankful that she was able to meet Terria today and we were both so very happy and felt the ray of sunshine upon us both, so positive and such and inspiration to me and a living example of how adversity can build character and how never giving up can give so much to so many people, i for one am one of those people truly inspired and affected by My Friend Mona, who i call my living Angel ,along with Terria, they both are such beautiful people who give selflessly everyday. What a great day of Meeting my friend with Terria and then Golfed Balls and went for a little shopping trip and then came home and made a really good dinner of  Buffalo wings and rice and made Monster cookies for our Friend Brad"Mr . Prozac himself is paying us a visit from Baja Mexico tomorrow and really look forward to seeing him and laughing my ass off . so the weekend is starting off in great fashion with so much love and positivity and i cannot wait for tomorrow to come. Thank you Terria Lynn for being "Terria Lynn" and look so forward to doing it over again. love and hugs all around!

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