Tuesday, November 23, 2010

My Companion!

There are a lot of sure things in this life and world, death and taxes being the most used phrase in the history of man and i understand that all too well. There are many conflicting thoughts of what makes us all function, or not function on an everyday basis. What is the difference between a homeless person and a person like Us? Sometimes it's a lost job or a few missed paychecks and then you find somebody on the street evicted, Drugs  and broken families, whatever the case may be , who do those people turn to, where do they go for the necessary love and affections that keep them grounded and to continue to fight the fight of life and win at it all! There are so many sure things in my life, the wife and kids, the family and friends all top notch things for sure in my world. After yesterdays whirlwind of emotions and pains i always had the option to come and write my feelings, talking about them and sharing my woes with whomever i wanted to, generally my wife hears my tales until her ears bleed and that's a good thing the way i see it, she does the same and we share other things with Michael. all these things are amazing but the biggest ,most influential tool i can ever find has been my writing, my ability to open up to myself and to give of myself to myself and for myself without convictions or worries, my best friend who will never laugh at me or tell me to Fuck off and go to hell, never judge me for the judgement is in the writing and I am the judge ,jury and executioner when it comes to my feelings and writing about them. some people view therapy as a bad thing, a sign of weakness or a show of giving in to the troubles one faces. But for me the best thing i have ever done was to start my writing and documenting my life about 26 years ago, began writng after my father passed away and had no other outlet than that to get my emotions out and put them down on paper, this so long ago and long before being able to create a Blog site and document it all so easily, my books and books of tablets and journals are strewn throughout my garage and can pick on eup and remember where i was and what i was doing, the thoughts and pains are all in there and I can relive them all if i so choose to do so. But the journal or Writings is the best tool and the best friend you can ever have in this world, non judgemental honesty that you share with yourself and that you can give yourself the forum to vent the frustrations and share the joys , whatever the case may be we as human beings are all made of the same cloth, how we weave outrselves into a finished product is our doing and we do have most of the control in this aspect of our lives. mistakes will be made and the fact that we will hopefully learn from these mistakes is in theory supposed to make us wiser and more productive human beings for ourselves and the ones we love. So i write, i speak and I communicate, at times too much and think too much and really don't care to change too much of that, this portion of me is who i am, i just need to channel the depths of my thoughts towards a more tranquil solution and thinking deeply for me has generally involved some realistic if not negative connotations and the actions that followed were at time semi- destructive, for this I have My Therapist Michael to guide me and give me the tool  box to fix the broken parts of me!AS the title of this post infers, the Writings that i do are my true Companion, the serve 2 purposes in my life, the vent and the follow up on that which has given me the inspiration to write about whatever it was or is that i am writing about in my life. The springboard to a healthy outlook is to recognize the day, and see where it is you want to be, and find out how do i get there from here, very simple mindset but at times a complex animal that requires more depth than we really want to provide , so there is a constant in my life  and it is the writing and sharing of ideas, be it here or in my mind, it always comes full circle and ends up on these pages in some form or fashion, a wasted thought is a terrible thing and a wasted day is a tragedy.  I will always tun to what the character Brookes , in shawshank Redemption said in the movie , I believe right before he hung himself in the half way house , it went like this " get busy living ,or get busy dying", he chose the latter, I choose the former and am doing so in grand  fashion, I do believe that life is simple , and that we as human beings do over complicate our lives with meaning less drama, but this is human nature and we fight that battle everyday, we touch , we feel, we live , we hurt and we die, amongst all of this we must find that inner peace and a happiness that is our responsibility to obtain, not to include anybody else  but we are responsible for our own lives. as good as the people around us are, we still must find that inner goodness for ourselves so that we can share it with the ones we love . writing about my life helps me to do this and I share these thoughts with the world and feel good about what i do and will continue to do. Good Days are in front of us and yesterdays are gone, learn from them and don't dwell upon the stumbling blocks we fall upon, just know that there are always other blocks to trip over and just make sure they aren't the same ones that have brought you down before.  "Living is learning, otherwise you're dying"


  1. The Term "Living is leaning , otherwise you're dying" is a very powerful statement that i made a personal challenge to myself many years ago, it holds true today and which is why i tend to think so much about everything. Journaling can at times make things better by the end of the article and really sometimes i write to feel better even if i'm doing well already! Amazing

  2. *Living is learning! sorry about that
