Friday, November 12, 2010

Feels like Sunday

 Feeling a little confused about which day it truly is, one of my coworkers Jeannette, or Jelly as we call her said she would work today so I could take the extra day today and have a 4 day weekend, very nice and cool of her  and greatly appreciated.  So I am up and ready to hit the gym, take terria out to breakfast and then find something constructive to do with our day, do have to drop off a club at Golfsmith for re-gripping , thankfully the store is right next to the gym so I  will drop it off before I workout and should be done after the gym. Posted a little music earlier which kind of reminds me of my younger , more care free days of doing the musical tour through Hollywood and all throughout Southern California, i remember me and my best buddy Scott always finding new bands and seeking out their play date and travelling to as far as San Diego and San Juan Capistrano. Yeah those were different and less strenuous times but would never want t go back to those days, i love where I'm at and feel like i should'nt or don't deserve this type of life, but will wholeheartedly accept it and enjoy the goodness of my everyday, no strain ,no pain just naturally joyful times with the most incredible woman in the world, Blessed are we !

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