Thursday, November 18, 2010


Very Good night tonight, the Orthopedic decides on scoping my left knee as soon as i want him to so i will try to figure out a good time to get this one done. Kind of glad he decided to finally lean in that directions, he says should be a 30 -45 minute procedure so for that i' am happy. Following that we went to therapy and had a nice visit with Michael Morales and were able to table some key issues and had a real good visit, some laughs and some tears and all in all we enjoyed the over all experience of the night! Got home and made some steamed rice for dinner, went well with that Diet coke and corn tortilla..... Yeah!Tomorrow i meet Bradley my nephew for breakfast at the 126 and then drop off the lawnmower for repair , followed by a trip to the base and hit some Golf balls before i tee off with my friends at 1237 pm. Tomorrow night has nothing planned and nothing on the Horizon either. The following week is a short week for me , working monday-through Wednesday  and get Thanksgiving and the following Friday off.So more opportunities to Golf or hang out with Terria and just enjoy whatever come my way on a particular day and moment, thanks Terria and to Morales for making this evening a real fun time, yeah a fun time which included a trip to the therapist and enjoyed that visit with some good stories and laughs and some real headway in some areas of concern for both Terria and I. Well the weekend has officially started for us in grand style and moving on to tomorrow... Good night

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