Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Lunch Time Workout!

Finishing up my tour here at the front desk and ready to decide upon my lunchtime ventures for the day. Looks like the gym is in the lead and doing nothing and waiting til after work and going to Bally's in coming in second right now. So I think I will go with option 1 and get it over with, meeting up with Wifey to look at the new phones, she need a new one too and will give Ty her old one. So Finally decided to go with the iphone and be done with the Blackberry, weird to say that but if the Blackberry had a better music program that were more compatible with  the new Macbook I would never get ride of it. Looking to redo my itunes and update some new tunes and keep the pold ones that are lifelong songs for me. i posted Smalltown Boy from Bronski Beat earlier and just heard it on streaming KROQ online, what agreat song and an old ringtone for me a while back. Everybody who knows me well knows that music is what truly excites me and a good song is like a good blowjob, moves me righteously  and too good, will never pass that up LMAO! so I'm off to change and then to the gym and head out for an early day of good times away from here. So until later I'm off to see the gym masters should be cleared out by now. outta Here

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