Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Why Politics

Nearing another end to the workday and finished up a pollo loco lunch and a decent workout at the gym on base and thinking about whats on tap for tonight? Just read a blog from Frank Schaeffer and the new political right wing movement and was totally head over keester in agreement with his points of view. Really unfortunate that people who follow the Sarah Palins don't truly understand what they are getting into, they think that they support a God fearing person but what they fail to see is they are supporting Haters, haters of Gays, Black Presidents, Immigrants and Abortionist and yet they hide behind their bible to justify their hatred as if it says so in the bible and do unto others does not apply to them, more like, do like us, or you will be condemned to a life in Hell for our way is the only way. That mentality is over taking the Nation by this stupid asssed Tea Arty movement of Sarah Palin wannabees who want nothing more than to create hate and discontent, look at the wars going on as we speak all started by the previous administration for no reason at all. Yet we are told to hate all Muslims and hate everybody not like us , especially if you're NOT white  to be leary of them all, and how they can justify that the President is not a citizen and claim him to be the Antichrist and a Nazi and compared to Hitler, who could we ever compare GW bush to, there is no person that fucking stupid to compare him to so we let him slide and consider him a little yellow bus riding fuck who miraculouslyy slipped through the cracks. Even that cock suckers Mother (George Washington)Barbara Bush had low expectations for Jr. and boy did he prove her right, look to his presidency and what a flub up that 8 years truly was, rated as the worst president ever, or correction the bottom 10 of 44!!!But move to today and see where this country will go in the next 2 years with a house full of republicans and the stalemate will happen as sort of an action filibuster and won't pass anything so as to make our President look bad and look as if he accomplished nothing at all. this will come out in the 2012 election when they will say look he did nothing, but realistically the fact that they bucked everything he proposed including health care for everyone and a stimulus that kept us out of depression and a jobs bill and no new taxes for 95% of Americans, but heaven forbid he charge the rich their fair share, they have been given loopholes forever and now are being held to the carpet, all things that  Republican doesn't like becuase these rich people and companies help fund their campaigns come re-election time , so the vicious cycle continues, as for politics i know only what i research and read and find that the way the business is being done is the way it's been done for 200 years, there is just too much information these days and they don't even try to hide it anymore. so this will go on without my votes  so i don't vote knowing full well that it means nothing, see the 200 presidential fiasco in Florida where Bush won despite having less votes than the democratic rival Al Gore .So yeah not contributing to that mess and fuck people who say if you don't vote ,don't complain it's like saying freedom of speech and religion don't mean shit either but i can't complain because i don't vote...Bite my Dick mother fuckers!!! Good Day and good riddance...til later of course, happier topics coming ahead

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