Saturday, November 20, 2010

Shits and No Giggles!

A very Cold Saturday morning here in the Nard today. we got up and attem a little later than normal and went to the gym. We then went to Santa Barbara With Tim andApe for Breakfast and enjoyed the Mesa Cafe, the Club Sandwich was amazing and felt good to get out of town for a couple of hours. Joining tim and Ape for dinner at the house tonight and a very relaxing evening I'm sure. Very tranquil day today, was to meet Tim to hit Golf Balls but windy and cold and my body is stiff from todays workout and a trip back to the gym for sauna and jacuzzi maybe not a bad idea before we head over to McCarthy's tonight for dinner. I'm still sort of puzzled at the news last night of our friends divorce, not to say that I'm surprised or shocked or even disappointed, life happens and shit flows downhill at times and we as human beings are definitely fallible and can seek out the new and improved model on the showroom floor and yet don't truly ever know what the ramifications are until after the fact, so i send out my experience and knowledge of the issues that i faced when i left Terria in March and had to face many , many issues that I still deal with on a daily basis, first of all the trust issues and the healing of a family in grieving. so i know the road ahead for the McDonald family and whatever the choice will be there is a lot of work ahead . I can only hope there is a sense of spirituality and family support otherwise this makes the process doubly difficult and no friend in doing it alone. so I am thinking about them, basing the emotions on my past endeavors I can only say that under the best case scenario,it will be a battle and a battle well worth fighting if they choose to do so. Good day, headed to the gym again for a bike ride and a hot and wet endeavor at the Gym I call Bally's

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