Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Frank Schaeffer

The most influential person outside of my family and the bible is Frank Schaeffer. these 2 books are incredible reads and speaks of alot of the terminology and lifes lessons that I try to share with people on a daily basis the wisdom of a man who has been through plenty and made alot of mistakes in his life, much of which is the neew Republican far right based political/religious onslaught of ridiculous people and statements that they seem to get away with and have used FOX News to promote the hatred and lies to the public, how else would a person Like Sara Palin or Michelle Bachman n ever be taken seriously wityhout a platform and an avenue in which to spew their ignorance and hatred. We can thank rupert Murdoch for that, and to think that cocksucker owned the Dodgers a few years back, how embarrassing for us here in socal. So I am re-reading these 2 books in anticipation for his next book due out real soon, sent to the publisher whatever that means timeframe wise i will have to wait. so the fact that schaeffer has been so instrumental in getting me back to a god christian base and not a fanatical Bible thumping /pushing person just a good person where the Golden rule is stressed by his writings and the fact that he says the bible is flawed and we need to use the common sense that God gave us to discern the best way to approach life, common sense and a goodness to share with the world. ! Good Times!

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