Thursday, November 4, 2010

The Heat, my phone , my day!

Another unusually hot day in the Nard today looking at 85 today in Port Hueneme and near 100 in camarillo and Santa Paula so it it weird having the heat beat down on us here in the air conditioned building we occupy, yeah ,we got it like that. What a great start to the day woke up a little early and was readied for work the only was i know these day, with a smile on my face!!! was up to nearly 11 lat night playing with my new iphone and hooked it to the new computer and let it do it's thing, downloaded my itunes from my blackberry to the Macbook, then transferred the songs to the new phone. Very very nice, the iphone is a mixed bag of great things, and things that i will never need or use. The Apps on this phone are too numerous and really un-needed and really at time ridiculous, the even have an app where u can take a picture of yourself and it tells you whether your pretty or ugly, fuck ,i already know my ugly ass is just that, don't need a phone app telling me what I already know, some dumb fucking shit out there i tell you. So I'm playing with my phone, the guy at AT&T was really helpul ,saved us a lot of money and we got Ty set up with a cool little phone and mine, got a packaged deal with the iphone with a really cool docking port which plays music and has 2 little speakers on each end, a nice case and a car charger  as well. so the phone is technologically ahead of the Blackberry, and it has some really nice features that i can and will use daily, it will take me a week to be proficiaent on this phone as i still need to thin and hunt for what i need at times but it is like the Mac computers a bullet proof format of user friendliness. Set up my email accounts and my notifications and essentially have the phone dialed in where i want it and will figure out how to install a cool ringtone, that part of it I'm still trying to figure out but will do so by the end of the day, maybe if i ever stopped writing I could get it handked but verbose fingers never stop talking! No plans for lunch, flying by the seat of the pants again no gym or lunch plans and just enjoying my Peanut butter sandwich and rockstar breakfast...yum yum yum. This wind and heat has the Eyeballs bloodshot and scratchin in anger but a few drops of Visine will clear me  up and make the dry Eyes get wetter. Ok,I'm rambling better go find something else to do, more coming later ,Trust me!

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