Monday, November 1, 2010

The Hooters - Johnny B

Last Song of the night none other than the Hooters and Johnny B, another unheralded band from the 80's that rocked my world for alot of years , still do since they made my ipod and phone library


  1. I always wonder if Terria loves the same music that I do out of true like or if she just enjoys listening to me sing as we drive along the hiways, I do love to belt out the lyrics for sure and only hope they are tolerable, I personally think I can sing damn good but thats looking in a one way mirror I suppose, she might tell me to shut up if I sucked I hope

  2. but then again maybe love is blind and deaf, who know, if i suck i aint stopping ,but at least tell me so and that way i will never Karoake and embarrass myself in front of friends, as if i will ever Karaoke...shit!

  3. What a funny man you are...we have had several conversations about music over the must be that selective hearing/listening again. I enjoy all types of music; Style Council, The Pogues, Marshall, and RICK to name a few...throw in some country (when you aren't around) and it's all good!
    Your chameleon voice has always impressesd me...if you recall I have asked you to sing "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" on several occassions. You Karaoke...hahahahaha! I have a hard time imagining that.
