Monday, November 29, 2010

Thanksgiving Weekend!

Thank God that Ty is alright and that he is on the mend, you never know when you attend the ER and sometimes get more than you bargain for at times. This was my first trip to the ER since my accident almost 1 year ago, it did seem so different to me to sit in the same chair that i did when I staggered in and was waiting to be seen after my accident. So funny that a perspective can be totally different when you are the patient versus being the visitor, I went in to see Ty and he was sitting in the same room that i was in when i was really in trouble on my second trip, i knew Terria was feeling weird about it but the fact that her boy was in there made the old feelings a little different to deal with as she was in mother mode and the remnants of my stay there were in the back of her mind for sure. So the rest of the weekend progressed nicely, spent time with Brad and we had a great conversation , one of our friends is having an affair and his wife caught him and we were wondering where all of that was coming from, but as he said to me, Cops all cheat at one time in their lives and they are both cops so there you have it. Too bad and so sad that human nature is a very difficult Lion to tame at times, but we make mistakes and make our own breaks in life and how we bounce back from them seems to be the prevailing factor in life. we all make them and they are always at the forefront of what we do and who we are, but mistakes are truly a part of our lives and we can only Hope they are fixable and not so detrimental that we are left at the side of the road with no repair in sight. but as i said we all play with our own fire sin this life and must be held accountable for the messes we make and be capable of moving forward in the quest towards happiness! So move to today and work is what it is, WORK, not in the true sense but the fact that i must spend 9 hours today playing the part as a worker at times can drive me nuts, then i catch myself and stop even the most remote version of a complaint and move throughout the day doing what it is they do pay me for, as of right now they are paying me to be here and write this very sentence and be on this keyboard burning the keys til they replace it with a new one...very soon I'd say. My new Macbook Air and iphone are incredibly amazing, never thought I'd say I don't miss the blackberry, but i am weening away from it and can say the iphone is as good as my Blackberry, Terria seems to enjoy her new Blackberry torch and at least there is a Blackberry in the house and that's a good thing, could always switch phones with her but for now I'm cool! This Thursday we celebrate Terrias 46th birthday and will be headed to Phoenix Arizona this Saturday for this Sunday's football game with the Cardinals playing My Rams, tickets on the 35 yard halfway up the lower lever are so damn good that i am amazed I was able to get them for 200 for the pair. have a nice room in Peoria we got for 50 per night , only staying one night. Trying to figure out what to do for her Birthday dinner , she really wants nothing extravagant but i feel the need to do something really nice with a small number of family in attendance but i think this is up for discussion, and I'm not down with surprises because i know how much i hate them and we really don't like to draw too much attention to ourselves and get crazy when  it comes to birthdays so we will keep it low key and that's still up for discussion as to how low key is low key. regardless it is a blessing to celebrate each and everyday with an incredible woman who does everything , and never asks for anything and accepts the goodness that i have to give her each day that we live side by side! Tomorrow will be here soon enough but living for the day is my key to life, life for today and plan for tomorrow,never look back and say i shouda , woulda ,coulda and didn't do it, i live for today and p[lan for tomorrow as if tomorrow will never come, when it does i still have a plan for the day and it's to replicate the happiness of the previous day with a newer and better outcome, one day we will run out of days and that's it! but today is here and it's for the taking , enjoyment and realities of our life only enhance the fact that we are here and it is now and it is our time to shine. til Later on today,, I'm out!

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