Sunday, October 31, 2010

Weekend Wraps Up

What a Dud of a Baseball game tonight, the Rangers are proving that they do not belong in the big show with anybody let alone a half ass team the than 2010 Giant, for crissakes already. Did have a good meeting with Robert who came by and hung out for a few, Had  2 Rockstars and for some reason have some real bad stomach cramps and hopefully will allow me to sleep a little. Other than that a very quiet evening, just sitting here typing and looking across the couch to my wonderful Terria who is doing the same ! I don't really know what the new week has in store for us, but I am sure that we will do whatever it takes to get through it al. The night brought very few trick or treaters and we had 3 bags of Candy and only went through 2 of the 3 bags of Candy so I might need to take the extra bag to work tomorrow and share it with the crew instead of leaving it here and eating it. Loved the weekend as it brought some key victories, the Ducks beat the USC cheaters,the Rams won, Cards lost, but the cowboys lost and Pete Carroll lost so all in all it was a good weekend sports wise, the Lakers are looking incredible and we shall see what comes of te miami heat at the end of the season. BTW, this new computer is so fucking ridiculous and seems to be the best keyboard I've ever touched, uploaded my Blackberry Desktop manager and the Apple version of Microsoft word called iwork and it is a stupid cool program that can write books do stationary and anything that word can do but truly do it better. Not being really adept at this type of stuff i will stick to writing and blogging and leave the publishing to the professionals and call that a day, hoping to get my published Blog Book will come in soon enough, Its one of the gifts that I am giving Terria for her Birthday and know she is waiting anxiously for it and I am so glad to give it to her. So I have a load of laundry in the wash that needs to be thrown in the dryer so it's a goodnight and a wish of a great work week.

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