Thursday, November 11, 2010

Getting Started Slowly

Happy Veterans day to all and I feeling like a Grizzled Veteran this morning, having a hard time getting up and at em this morning. Trying to get out the door to the gym and into my day but it aint coming easy as of yet. I figured a little writing would energize the dead bunny in me and get my ass outta this chair and into my truck on my way to Bally's. Add to that the fact that I'm hungry but cannot eat before I workout for some reason, something to do with feeling like shit and logy and yuck and for whatever reason never been able to eat anything before workouts or motorcycle rides. Meanwhile Terria finishing up a cup of coffee and on her lapper doing whatever it is she does on that thing. As the motivation is slowly creeping up on me now I am almost tempted to get dressed and run out the door to the gym and get that mind numbing meticulously planned event out of the way and on with the rest of my unplanned yet confused state of affair, I'm not doing well this morning and this ridiculous indecision is killing me so i will fly the rest of the day by the seat of my pant thus giving me the worlds most painful wedgie. Ok my work is done here and It is time to get moving an in to the day of whatever the fuck it's going to be. Happy Veterans Day!


  1. "Meanwhile Terria finishing up a cup of coffee and on her lapper doing whatever it is she does on that thing."

    Reading the words written by YOU!!! Let's make it a GREAT day my LOVE!!!
