Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Productive Night

Very Good night tonight, made a couple of smallish cakes as gifts to friends, Terria did the inscriptions and borders and I baked and made the fillings and the frosting. It was a very peaceful evening just Terria and I Brandon came in about 9 after a night of dinner and shopping with his mom. Then cleaned up my mess , did the dishes and pans we used and then came in to the TV room and watched the second half of the Laker game and am now writing as I can finally relax and clear the mind a little. After a day at work like no other, i seemed to fail miserably at keeping myself mentally stimulated today and truly had a rough go of it today, but after the fog in my brain cleared towards the end of the day i was cool and back to normal, whatever the hell normal is for me, which is by no means normal in any sense of the word! So I prepare myself for a good night  and a better workday tomorrow and will get there on time and be a more positive influence on my day and the day of my coworkers as well. Had a great workout at Bally's after work, met my Terria there and we had a separate but good workout at the same time, enjoyed the conversations I had with a few of the regulars to include my 70 year old buddy Jerry who loves UCLA as i do and played with Heisman trophy winner Gary Beban in 1966 i believe, also was a friend to former UCLA Basketball coach Gary Cunningham who coached under legend John Wooden and then would coach the team a few years later by himself so he always has some really good stories. Love how i met Jerry at Bally's, there were a few punk assed kids using a lot of profanity around the machines, Jerry very kindly asked them to watch their language as there were young woman working out within ear shot and he was asking them to clean it up around the girls, well these 2 assholes decided to get in his face and tell him that "we're not talking to you old maN" ALL WITHIN EARSHOT OF THE GREGASAURUS AND I FUCKING STEPPED IN AND went off on these fuckers and told them they will respect their elders in front of me, they can talk to their parents any way they want but if i'm there they will shut the fuck up, one of them tried to tell me this wasn;'t my beef, i told him it is now asshole and he would not disrespect this elderly an as long as i'm here .i did see them a week later and i stared the fucker down til he turned the other way and believe me he did, i don't know if the fuckers were filipino, or slant eyed Mexican but I don't do the disrespect thing very well...obviously. so that's how i met Jerry and we are best of buddies now and we always ralk when we are there at tthe sane time for sure. even talked to stuttering ruben who is out of his goddamn mind and he was stuttering about something,i was able to get away from him rather quickly and then headed out and began the aforementioned baking and cleaning and now need to hit the shower and join Terria in Bed for a good nights sleep. Today is almost done tomorrow will be a better day I assure you. God Bless and Good night and Good Times

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