Sunday, November 7, 2010

Bake Away!

The day started off really slowly, got up a little later than we wanted and eventually got to the gym and had a really nice workout. were invited to breakfast and declined and came home and made some breakfast instead. Sitting here and watching a rather ho hum football game and trying to come up with a game plan for the rest of the day and find something to do, or really nothing at all, not picky today and feel a little lazy. I really think i need to get started on the cake we are making tonight for Terria's colleague at her formers School"Good ol Jorjitos" .The only bad thing about baking is the mess that I make and I really love to makes messes just hate cleaning them up. So I'd better get my lazy ass up an off to the kitchen to start mixing and measuring and getting my bakers ass off the couch and into the creative avenue of myself. Baking and cooking very much like writing is a very soothing and rejuvenating hobby to say the least, enjoy the aspect of starting from scratch and creating something that tastes so damn good. So off to the kitchen and start whipping up the batter , will bake it all and then start on the ganache and the frosting and then turn it over to Terria to put here fancy borders and inscriptions for me to finish it off.I truly need to practice the fancy inscriptions but don't if i have the steady hand to do it properly, i make and bake it ,put the layers on it and then Terria finishes it off with here talents.Outta here

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