Saturday, November 6, 2010

A really nice Saturday

A very nice and cloudy today in Oxnard and Port Hueneme, we did the usual suspects in the morning which constitutes the gym, And Hitting Golf Balls ,terria was so nice to accompany me to the base to watch me hit golf balls, I think she likes to see me get pissed off, but really hit em well today so not much grumbling out of my camp today!!!! We went to a great Deli near the base and enjoyed a really good healthy turkey sandwich and  some drinks which for us are 2 Diet Pepsi's and a big arsed glass. Been along time since I've actually had a real drink fest, a sip here and there but mainly been 2 years since I've been fucked up Saurus Style and scaring the locals. So Glad that I don't truly drink, never really was a drinker but maybe drank 4 times a year on special occasions and now the taste of alcohol makes me ill, even the smell of it, maybe the fact that my dad was an alcoholic always made me leery of alcohol and didn't like the way he acted, he was a mean drunk,I on the other hand am a loving drunk,sometimes too loving and am so glad that I quit completely and can enjoy whatever it is and wherever I a and not have to worry about how we 're getting home on a given night. I do know a few folks who enjoy their alcohol in moderation but not too many and it is a scary thing for a lot of parents to know that kids are drinking in Jr. high, but I didn't come here to preach just enjoying the lifestyle I live and the company I keep. Did watch a couple of decent College games, the ducks did it again as did Auburn and hopefully they can play for the championship game in January.Watching UCLA right now, they have a so much talent as any team but can't get it right, they do need a QB and a better line but next year they say they are going to be awesome, great recruiting class coming in. Well looking forward to tomorrows NFL games for sure .Well gotta go get dressed for dinner,  meeting Tim and Ape for grub and then have nothing planned, should be  a good quiet night of Yahtzee, or just more music, maybe a free concert for the family of Saurus on the Bongos...damn that's funny, it is pretty damn fun to play and being a rhythmic machine that I am can keep a tempo with anybody. More to come later and some contemplative scenarios brewing in my head!

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