Saturday, November 13, 2010

What The Hell?

Another slow Saturday and feeling rather lazy still. Had one of my worst workouts ever, totally disgusted with my effort and my desire to even be there, should have taken the day off instead of trudge through a halfass 45 minutes of nothing going on! So the rest of the day was spent running around dropping off Aprils Cake and pretending like we're not going to see her again for her surprise bday dinner at BJ's So its after 4 now and we meet for a dinner of at least 13 people to celebrate her birthday. Tim and I are golfing tomorrow morning at the base and really should be a good day if the weather cooperates like I'm sure it will.  Always something about being in the fresh air and playing Golf with Timo, so damn funny and always just a laid back event as it should be.  Getting back to my lackluster workout i don't know what the fuck that was all about, I really don't,Terria even questioned me as to what was up  as she sensed by my facial expressions at the gym that I was in another world and place altogether. Really can't put my finger on anything, just a bad day at the gym I  guess and am so the fuck over it now, even went to in and out and had a double double against my better judgement and said Fuck it, had a shitty workout I'm going to eat a shitty breakfast too and enjoyed that burger immensely...good burger and I did feel a heart burn a little later but well worth it and I didn't look back or feel anything but pleasure for enjoying a bad meal that tasted so good! So the menu at BJ's will be tempting me to eat poorly again and I just might, but then over to Aprils afterwards  for that awesome Lemon cake will be well worth the efforts! Getting ready for dinner and trying to figure out , Pants  or shorts?  healthy or splurge a little, not real important but will enjoy celebrating my Big sister's birthday as it is such a nice way to show her how important she is to so many people that she touches on a daily basis. So it's off to the room to get cleaned up and wipe the hair from my new coiffed hair dew.... yeah , hair dew, been wearing the sane dew for like 20 years it's been in and out of style 3 times and I don't give a rats ass! So I'm off to get ready and will be be back later with more noise and thunder! Good Days!

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