Saturday, November 20, 2010

Another Friday Night!

After midnight on Friday night/Saturday morning and just realized that I hadn't posted in a while today. Great day of golfing and even made breakfast for dinner with Terria and Brandon tonight, consisting of Sausage and eggs and Pancakes...damn good and so easy to whip up. Played 18 holes today on an Egg sandwich and was really hungry after golf, the rains came a s we finished up on 18 and were glad to be done, 55 degrees in the Nard today and even cooler on the course as the winds did blow a tad  but guess i shouldn't have worn shorts today, did wear a thermal though and was glad i did. Getting home felt refreshed in seeing my Honey and recapped our day and what we came across on this fine Friday afternoon. Nothing really happened out of the ordinary just a few texts and Facebook entries from Braz. Feeling a little conflicted tonight in regards to a friend of ours , an old riding buddy and his wife are apparently divorcing and it really hit Terria and I in a bad way tonight. Both are police officers and have 2 kids. CT's wife friend Luz texted Terria that her Husband Chris(CT) as we called him in the crew has been having an affair for over a year with a fellow officer in his station and that she was finished with it all, don't know the lifestyle or marriage that they shared together but know that they seemed a little strained at times but we never questioned, they live nearly 2 hours away and we would see them a few times a year and once the crew has essentially disbanded  we rarely see anybody anymore so the contact these days is through texting and that's it. Well Terria got the text tonight and really feel bad, knowing full well that most cops cheat on their wives, a known fact and i have so many friends who are officers that this is common knowledge amongst most, or at least us who have friends who are officers of law. Really sad and I was wondering whether to get in touch with my friend Chris and try to see where he is mentally and what his motive is for his actions, love, fun ,or excitement of having this affair, whether or not he wants to be married or continue in his endeavors  with this woman and leave hos wife and kids behind. I'm no expert on fidelity issues and don't know what the mindset is, or i should say in his case i don't know how his differs from what i did and would like to talk with him, not to see if he can fix his marriage ,but t see if what he did or is doing is a real thing or some fly by night thing that seems like fun and might seem worth throwing away a marriage and family. don't know whether or not it is my place to to intervene and ask the questions or lend the ear of advise.Don't really know but am saddened at the fact that there is a family in turmoil as i write and broken hearts all around. Yeah, this much i know and wouldn't wish this upon my worst enemy. But we all we are responsible for the actions we choose to partake in and will pay whatever price we incur and will need to pick up the pieces, this much i know first hand and can only hope that he realizes what he is doing has many reprocutions much deeper than his own life, and the lives of his family, there is that trickle down and domino affect that forever reminds you on the long and arduous healing process. i wish them well and know it won't be easy. Must be the new fad these days, or at least in 2010 , too much craziness! So I will leave that one alone for now and address it later and hope that resolutions are in the works. So for us , we are  planning for the Thanksgiving season and the holidays are upon us , making a few things for the dinner at Brazaleens on Thursday and should be a good time, lots of food, people and laughs I'm sure. Well it's late and I'm tiring a tad and feel like a hot shower and a restful night  to prepare for the days ahead, if not tomorrow...goodnight /Morning

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