Sunday, November 7, 2010

Days End!

We had a really nice dinner, had a roasted chicken and baked potato and T had a chicken salad and was really tasty stuff. We then headed to Camarillo to get Yogurt and it was closed, there was however a trader joes and a big lots there to make the trip worthwhile and we went into both. Bought some stuff for baking a cake tomorrow for Terria's ex co-worker Jorge, turns 60 and loves my Chocolate Ganache Cakes so I will make him one tomorrow so she can take it in on Monday for him, he will be happy and thankful I know.  Been looking into buying a new Car, not a new one but a different one, More like an old VW Bug, I had one i College and need to get rid of my truck just burns up too much gas and don't really go anywhere in it far enough to keep it, don't haul quads or bikes anymore so the Truck is just an un needed luxury, would love to have the old 70 VW bug that I had in my college days or something like it and slowly restore it to mint condition, bit by bit and are very inexpensive to maintain and should be fun and practical to get me to work every day and haul the occasional Golf clubs to wherever I play. So time will tell and need to sell the truck eventually, preferably before I go looking for a new Bug, found a few nice ones pretty much restored and in great shape for 3-4000 bucks and are really collectors items these days. So with that in the works i continue doing my thing, thinking, writing and being the Greg that most people have grown to love or hate, whichever touches the fancy I suppose. Not too concerned about my adversaries, don't really know anybody who doesn't like me and really have never cared, I have always considered itself a big hearted person who loves everybody that deserves to be loved, and fucks with those who need to be fucked with. i don't seek this shit out, It finds me, don't ask Sarah Palin to try to be intelligent or a non hypocrite, she's not capable of any of that and by rights is a target, open your mouth up and be stupid about it and you will be exposed for what you truly are I think, and for that Sarah is my favorite target for sure, I hate the fact that she and people like here hide behind the Bible as the reason for their ridiculous ways of trying to reshape others minds and thought processes by essentially saying, if you don't think the way we do you will go to hell or are not a real American...Fuck her and that whole Tea Party ignorance /racist movement,dog shit fuckers for sure. Ok, I done with that portion of this post, don't have any concrete plans for Sunday, maybe Football after the gym and making a good breakfast,too much eating out today but ate relatively healthy and had some decent snacks to close out the nourishmental parts of the day. Seems like the days went way too fast as well as Friday and now I'm looking at Sunday already as the Clock strikes Midnight as I type this word. Looking back on the week and the past few months i have seen alot of things come and go in my life. i am starting to take off the blinders and not so quick to decide upon certain things around me, i truly get the whole stop and smell the roses statement for i made a conscious effort to see things in a brand new light and open up my mindset to the other ways and possibilities of dealing with life, and it's people and the vast differences that inhabit this fucked up planet, me being as fucked up as the next guy at times but nevertheless it makes me take stock in alot of things in this life. i for one have been open to growth and definitely am a better person to all as a result of being open and seeing the big picture and fighting the proper fight and battle truly make life an easier place to conquer. But I am very thankful for the journeys and the knowledge obtained in those journeys. I am feeling really good about alot of things that I'm doing these days. My love of expressing it on this page is and have become a huge part of my healing form all of the mistakes i have made, the forgiveness is definitely in the home stretch and for that i am feeling pretty damn good. every now and then Iwill relapse a tad and feel a little bit angry or remorseful but get a grip on things in a hurry and realize that life is a onetime trip and sometimes don't get a chance to fix it, i did and am making the most if this opportunity on so many levels. As usual Terria is amazing and is always the one to talk to about anything, so remarkable to sit down in front of and lay next to at the end of each day. Just keeping the open mind and open sense of awareness around to continue to grow and keep a tight grip on the greatness that i possess not only within but more so within my life and all that is within my reach , so i have it and hold it and always realize that it is one step away from losing it all. for that i walk slowly with the awareness levels at an alltime high, I am the benefactor of a lot of things that most people will never be blessed to see and feel on a daily basis. Well it's nearing the 1 am hour and i am not yet ready for bed, but I should do something else to end my evening . good night and sleep ...however the fuck you want to???

1 comment:

  1. Again a little verbose but touched on some good points and some real good stuff, I am so lucky that writing comes so easily for me and that i have this outlet to unload my thoughts, desires, angers and pleasures all in the confines of this forum, for me this is my best and biggest friend and will never lie or deceive me, or ever hurt or disrespect me. that is mine to do and mine to overcome, for which i have covered so much ground. Went back tonight and checked on Facebook, had a few messages and notices, now if I post something i don't even check to see if anybody comments it's just me and my thoughts spewing away in true Greg Fashion. I don't even have FB set up to my phone as it has lost most of it's luster and fun and appeal at this point. My friends all have my # and can get in touch if they need to. If not I'm generally not the guy who goes calling friends generally, so the beat goes on and the writing will always continue to do it's job and serve me well for the ability to communicate with others is key, but the ability to comprehend life and it's cruelties and to rise above it all with a smile on our faces I know I'm smiling broadly now!
