Thursday, November 4, 2010

long Weekend For me

Very warm in Oxnard today and skipped the gym and decided on actually eating lunch today, had friends cafe and Buckwheat pancakes for lunch and washe dit all down with a diet coke...yummy i know!!!Will go to Bally's after work and get out of here at 330 today and do have a therapy session tonight with Michael which should be pretty cool. Still playing with the phone and learning somethig new by the minute, created my gym workout playlist and came up with 125 songs that are gym worthy I guess! My phone actually plays through my  ipod connection in my truck and am glad for that, my ipod about dies every now and then and gets annoying at times. So down to the last 45 miutes, trying to get my friends Fiance a job here on ,or poit her in the right direction since i know a gal in HRO who is really knowledgable so hope she is able to land a job, we will have fun at his wedding if I decide to go, it's at a Catholic church so might not do it, i hate the catholic church for so many reason s but should bite the bullet, not a close friend ,but worked with him at the black angus in the mid 80's and he is a nice guy that we golfed with as well, good ol Tim Pate, lives in Spokane ,wa. now and is a millionaire in the real estate business and owns properties all over the country the mother fucker,i remmeber when he waited on tables for us and never had any money and now he works 6 months out of the year, when the weather turns shitty, he moves down to Ventura and hangs with his family and friends for a while til the weather gets better in Spokane, NICE! So I'm online reading as much as i can about the iphone and how it works ,shortcuts blah blah fucking blah and it seems there are so many ways to skin the cat here it's mind numbing.  I'm about out of energy and hope the gym revives me a bit, very nice co-worker just bought me a diet coke and feels nice and cold going down...he said "going down" lmao. speakig of which I've been on a Beavis and Butthead revival lately, those mother fuckers make me cry its so oddly hilarious to me, not everybody likes that shit but for my money those bastards make me laugh more per minutre than any comedian ever can. Fuckin funny stuff i swear to Jeeeezuz. I have really stopped spell checking and could give a rats ass,i just wanna writew and say what i need to say and get the fuck out, so for all of my mis-spellings teacher, you all know i was a 6th grade spelling bee champ, i could spell all of the dirty words correctly back then!!!! Good day til tonight, I'm out of here. I'm off tomorrow and will have a nice 3 day to enjoy doing whatever I feel like!

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