Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The Gym ,Work and Life

Wow, actually took a day off from the gym yesterday and feel really good, the body gets sore and listless when i work it too much, it serves the counter affect when i do too  many days of workouts and not enough relaxation days, more mental than physical i think but need time away from anything once in a while. Today is a new day and i will hit it hard today after work at Bally's. My workouts have really changed over the past year or so, always wanting to get stronger I have changed that to leaner and meaner and that is the biggest battle i always have , get into the gym and tell myself to do more cardio, do more interval training and circuit work get the heart rate up and burn calories, and somehow always seem to do a little of all and not really focus on what i need to do but am burning Calories, I'm stronger now than ever before and don't really want to be, I'm  allot smaller than i was  and yet stronger, probably the strongest guy at the gym period but don't hang with the steroid ragers on the free weights side, hate that scene and the Narcissistic side of the gym, so i do my own thing, quietly without incident and have made some really good relationships at the gym with some very good people. So i wait for the day to end so that i can meet terria t the gym and then get it done and head home and do whatever we do to stay happy and grounded. was told last night that she does not want any fanfare or special Birthday celebration on Thursday, not friends or family, just for me to cook her dinner , she can't eat red meat so it will be a fish dish of some sort and i can do that, made her scallops the other night which were deadly and so damn good that i had to eat a few to go along with my rib-eye. I made Shortbread cookies with a chocolate drop in the center for our co- workers today, they loved them and I'm sure that terrias did as well, they were the best cookies i have ever eaten ...period and best I've made to date, easy recipe but the cooking time is crucial in not drying out an already dry cookie even more. so here it sits ,Tuesday morning and work continues to be slow, we have a staff meeting at 1 today and i will make a little statement to my co workers  about respect and handling our customers better, I've seen some real customer service Faux paus and it makes me ill to see the Way our customers are treated at times. but more so the way we disrespect the boss at times and don't do what he asks us and he blows up and people get pissed at him, he has kind of dug his own hole with the workers as he is everybody's friend and is always jovial and accommodating with trips to Mcdonalds, long lunches and days off from work, but they have taken full advantage of it and it aint cool by any stretch in my book and when he loses his cool wit it all they blame him for the problems, not cool, we as adults work in an industry like no other, the federal govt is a vast wasteland of dead weight and people who wouldn't find employment anywhere else, the type of job we do could be done by 12 year olds truthfully, so we are very lacks here and assume that we are entitled to this kind of cush job when in fact there are too many skilled people out of work and here we sit doing very little and bringing in 70k salaries so i don't ever complain about my job or coming to work because to me this place is a privilege to be at and not a job but a restful place to be , a few customers that we take care of and to give them the best we have shouldn't be hard to do at all, but to some it seems as if it pains them to go out of their way to do the bare minimum. so that is that and I will openly share my views of dissatisfaction with my friends and if they get pissed off , fuck em, time to grow up and man up around here . On a happier note i wil squeeze in golf balls at lunch probably after the meeting so that i won't be late to our meeting , the range is a few minutes away from the office so it would be better to go after our meeting. so the day is nice outside , a brisk 60 degrees and a light wind, we are blessed to live insocal where snow and cold are never an issue and icy roads and digging our way to our cars is never gonna happen. Til later on today or even tonight, i can't think of anything i can write about, the events of the day usually encourage my writing and with no pending drama in the life of mine i don't really have the free flowing experiences of angry, or thought filled writings of any depth, just me ranting and raving to myself in the hopes that i can hear myself, listen and act accordingly to the mod and the days ahead! Good times and Goodbye

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