Monday, November 8, 2010

It's my funday, just another manic......

It rained all night and slept like a baby, got up to the brightest most vibrant day in a while and really was shocked to see it so nice after the overnight rain storm that we got,yeah rainstorm of all 1/2" rain we got, strom watch 2010 ,winter is upon us, what a joke, no real weather in soCal other than the 68 degrees we deal with all year long. got to work essentially on time this morning which is a good  thing, beat Peter in and thats always a good sign to beat the boss into work. The day has started of incredibly well on this monday morning., the phone is quiet ,both of them are silent in the water and it's very tranquil aroufd here today, our loudest employee Richard is not here yet, yes, louder than even me, i'm not loud just constant and generally the funniest ,rudest fucler in the building but that's just me being overly confident and cocky! Yes , the day is truly startign off wel with little to do and all day to do it, Terria's Vanilla coffee she made me for the drive to work is amazing as always and actually have the first pot of office coffee just finishing which should be a good time to go load up on a hot cup of road tar! My ex wife Tracy is in town to visit Brandon and to take care of some court shit to get her record expunged from the courts, Tracy was always good at stealing peoples money and their souls and could never tell the truth to save her life, abandoned Brandon over 4 times in his life, the first time as a 7 year old little boy, thus making me a single parent and yet Brandon runs to her every time shee's around, i'd say fuck off and go away but he still looks for that acceptance from his mother and that's on him. I think Brandon might hold more resentment for me than he does his mother, don't know why or how but there;'s something not right about the way he's been lately and seems  more distant than normal and wish i knew what i did or if qanything maybe he's going through a rough spell personally but he needs to figure it out. i was even telling terria that i bet he moves up to washington to live with his mother if this culinary thing doesn't pan out, I wouldn't doubt it but i can't worry about that i did my job raising him as a young boy and now he lives in m,y house again and am still helping him out along with terrias guidance he has no reasons to not feel loved or accepted . So maybe I'm reading into the mood change but it's whatever at this point in my life ,i taught him right f rom wrong tried to be the good example and a sa human being made some mistakes ,but in the end would own up to them and help use them as a learning tool to not follow in my path in those areas, so lesson taught and if not learned on him I think. Other than that things are business as usual in our home, so much goodness everyday and adjusting daily to the new ways of perception on  my part, receiving and accepting have never been my strong suit , so here i am today allowing the things that are happening to happen freely and openly. Monday night offers me the gym after work and then a nice hot shower , a healthy dinner and then will skip the dud football game on Monday night football and find something to do until after i watch the only thing i watch on network TV, 2 1/2 men at 9pm, i always watch the 7-8 Men showing reruns and then have that hour between 8-9 to watch or do something else, usually laundry or some domestic chore to kill that time, but writing would work too., that is if i have anything to say....yeah as if!!! fuck that stupid as it even started to come out of my mouth. Went to Facebook this morning and that spetic tank full of shit is still there, been tweeting more than usual , more than Facebookig , Nevarez checkin in on me yesterday since i haven't really posted any new FB posts , will comment on a few things, all the girls in the group are all doing great , picked up Terria's  candle order from Stacy yesterday , or Saturday ad they smell so damn good. Just chillin at my desk and writing for now, enjoying my desktop ihome player , plug in my phone and it plays the music ffrom my iphone /itunes library, oh cool , Hall and oates " wait for me", my favoriter Hall and oates song is playing as i write this"you gotta lot to learn if you think that i'm not waiting for you" i love that line, funny how certain lines in every song i hear stick with me. Damn i love my music and i love my writing, the best things in life behind my wife1 so i will try to venture in to this workday with a sense of what the fuck ever and hopefully can get away unscathed and unruffled. so far , so good, having a great day in advnace and an even better evening i assure you!

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