Thursday, November 11, 2010

Great Day!

Just went to Facebook for my quick check and the same nonsense still going on over there , love to drop in hit and run throw a few daggers and get the hell out of that cesspool of nothingness. It was fun for awhile but there is really no substance to a site like that, nor does Twitter offer much but Twitter does offer me some really cool insight on those that I do follow, one being My Guru and hero Frank Schaeffer and Rachel Maddow, both are very instrumental on how I can stay in touch with what they are doing, Rachel and Frank keep me informed on the dangerous new republicans and my spirituality is always heightened when I listen or read anything that Frank has to offer. His new book is coming out soon and I found this out via Twitter which substantiates my being on that site, Facebook on the other hand is hearing about somebody's kid  and a trip to farmville. I have this spot to unleash my fury on myself if not anybody else who gives a fuck enough to trip on this site. But all in all I enjoy writing more than i do reading, amazing that I find that most intelligent people love to read and do so very often, not me, i truly love the art of writing and expression is my forte' and on this site anything goes because there are no rule, and if there were, I make them , how goddamn cool is that shit? Well we needed to bake another Birthday cake for Terria's Brother in Law Kevin, turns 50 tomorrow and is a really nice man and we get along nicely. So we baked the cakes and we prepared the frostings and the ganache for the center and the top, the cake was a yellow cake which tasted really good as we made a couple of cupcakes as tester pilots and damn it was good shit for sure. right now i have been able to settle down in the TV room with My Terria and watch Discovery channel and writing , she is reading her Rick Springfield autobiography on the couch and relaxed as I am. Both of us are off tomorrow and might throw in Donnie Brascco or just call it a night, well she might I have a lot of energy left in me and don't need to get up anytime tomorrow but will eventually wear out and hit the hay the for evening. as for tomorrow no real plans other than the gym and will take my wife out to breakfast and see what the weather and the day shall bring. another great day of together time with Terria and shared time at the gym, the golf course even went with me to golfsmith the Golf superstore which is like me going into a Motorcycle shop or a Candy shop...damn It's really cool in there so much new stuff, but i picked up only some new grips and a few dozen balls for Sunday, Tim and I are heading out to the base to play 18 and share the day at the links on Base. Well I shall wrap it up for the evening and go watch me some Golf or MLB network. Good Night, Sleep tight!

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