Sunday, November 21, 2010

Motivate Me!

Man Alive, it is Sunday morning and I'm still running around in my shorties and have no ambitions so to speak as of yet! When in doubt go to the gym I guess, but today is one of those days that the gym is the farthest thing from my mind, need to hit Golf Balls before i do anything and am trying so damn hard to get the motivation needed to get up and out of the house and start the day properly, motivated and full of a sense or energy. WOW! ,I just noticed that I have a calloused right index finder from all of the typing i do, I am a 2 finger typist who has actually got pretty good at my speed, my hands are too large to even consider typing properly , kind of like trying to Text ,always fighting the battle of hitting more than 1 key at a stroke. So I'm really proud of something as insignificant as typing and having a war wound from it all...yeah right! Terria is still in bed and I'm like WTF is going on here, we went to bed after 1am and I was up at 8 and ready to get the day started, but that has fallen by the wayside since i am still on here typing away. We really have no plans yet for te day and whatever comes our way is a good thing and i do prepare myself for an abbreviated workweek of only 3 days. Looks as if we are going to Terria's sister Brazaleen's house and then make a visit to Brother Richard's house in Moorpark and have a good day of Family togetherness and damn good food, so for the next 3 days I might make double visits to the gym to compensate for the impending feasts that will occur. Sent a nice message to my Friend Ruth this morning , have been thinking about here and her Husband , this is always a real tough time for her and the family since they have so many kids in the military and have a Holiday season away from them usually every year, So I did receive a very nice return message and feel good to know that she and her family are doing well. i had been putting that  message off for a week now and finally remembered to send it out, so good tidings to good people. Well the T woman is finally up and at em and i need to do the same , good days and Good times to all of my friends!

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