Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Days Turn to Nights

I did end up at the base gym today, the referendum to go back to 30 minute lunches is effective 8 Nov. so we have a few more days of fun time left in us. Really kind of sad that the group kinda fucked them selves in the ass by not being responsible and taking advantage of a very kind boss that we have, everybody has a breaking point and he reached it, give us enough rope and we shall hang ourselves i guess. My workout was kung Pao and really got alot accomplished in the hour timeframe, went a little later than normal and that made for not many people in the gym at all, the machines and gym were at my disposal and i like it like that.  The end of the day should be here in a few minutes, 45 to be exact and i look forward to a nice quiet eve  and a trip to the AT&T to pick up a phone for Ty since he busted the one his dad gave him and he is no longer on his dads plan so we will put him on ours for 10 a month and a free phone, trying to see if I can pick up an iPhone but don't know how that will work since my current Blackberry is still working great and don't really wanna lose it but the iPhone would be great with my new Macbook air for music and other musically inclined apps so we shall see what transpires at the end of the day. so the day is nearly over and the evening is still to be determined! I was re-reading some of my previous posts and really shake my head at myself sometimes, not truly feeling that i am capable to be so damn free minded and long winded all at the same time. the emotion in my writing is so Greg Duran and that I can go back to the instant of when I wrote something and k now exactly where i was sitting and what computer i was writing it from. I honestly don't know what i would do if i didn;t write to express myself, maybe i would have more friends to lean on and bend their ears but that's never been my forte to spew my drama of aches and pains on anybody...ever, but over the past 4 months have been able to become the more vulnerable and open to change person that maybe i always needed to become, So much growth and so much happiness have followed June 3 ,2010, hopefully for everybody emboldened in this crazy twist of life. but whatever it's worth i can always look back and know that being  at my lowest point ever watching my Terria in a weeping ball of hurt really made me take stock on alot of things in my life, although i did nothing about it at the time I knew i would never hurt her again and will always love her and cherish her greatness, this woman didn't ask for anything but to be loved and adored, i did so  and had a hiccup, she has long since forgiven me and I have long since accepted her forgiveness and forgiven myself and use my strengths that i have gained through her and Michael to become that person that i no longer despise and can once again be proud of the person, the human being that doesn't hurt and become so selfish that he See's nothing and hears nothing and feels nothing but his pown pains and joys, that my friends is an old version of the Gregasaurus 1.0 and has since been replaced by the New Saurus 6.9, new software, new and improved hardware and a memory chip that is updated every minute to seek and destroy all negativity and all bad thoughts and to become a more productive husband to my special Terria! It is a great place to be and I know no other way than to get better and stronger each and every minute! God bless us all!

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