Saturday, November 13, 2010


Lazy Saturday morning and all is well, Again I try to corral the energy to get up and get out of here and to the Gym before I lose total interest in the project. So here I sit fighting against myself to get up and out of here to the dreaded Gym so early in the morning, yeah early its 10 already what a wimp I am. So afte the gym I don't know what the hell we are doing, we have the Birthday dinner at BJ's for April and thats truly the only thing we have going today so i'm not sure whether or not I have the giddy up yet to do anything, but it will happen eventually, Terria is acalling and I'm out of here! much more later

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for answering that call...and for the private concert how about the gym? Here's to another GREAT day, GMAN!!!
