Monday, November 1, 2010

It's a Beautiful Monday

 Finally got to work at noon today, feeling really good ,especially after the Caesar salad and diet Coke that the girls brought me from Wendy's. Very nice, the day is beautiful here today , feels like 80 but it says 75 on the weather channel so Its what they say it is, feels hotter than that. I'm making real strides in understanding more about myself each and every day that passes. I have made a conscious effort to stop thinking so hard and lay back a little and enjoy the aura that Is mine. I really enjoyed our conversation last night  and I know Terria was feeling a little bummed about the boys but as parents we have done all tat we can do, that fork in the road is now theirs to venture through and hoping that it is the right route taken, we can concern ourselves but cannot walk those steps for them. Everything will work out well and i knew they are smart enough to fix the little hiccups that they may get themselves into. Ty has a VW Bus parked in our driveway that needs and engine and a transmission, very interested in restoring this thing and making it my vehicle, will sell the truck if so and make the VW my work vehicle, Terria and i drive her Scion everywhere since it gets great gas mileage and my truck doesn't. So I will price the motor and everything else it needs and see if i can get it done for under 3k, then sell my truck for 7500 and pocket the difference. I have always wanted a VW bus and the frame and interior are good and fixing and maintaining VW's is cheap, not much of a car guy and don't really care much about the car I drive as long as i have something to get to work and around town. we shall see on that but it would be cool, know a shit load of painters and shouldn't be a problem so the project might just happen. Other than that no fires in the stove and nothing pending but today and then each and every day hereafter. Feeling very good about things, have counseling this Thursday and have a few things to table for discussion but things seemed to have followed the course that were always supposed to follow. The good times ahead and life to its fullest attitude is a constant, just trying to slow down the mind a bit and see where and how ,and what means it takes to get where i want to be. Very thankful for everything and just found out that my guru Schaeffer has another book at the publishers office as I write, so very very happy about that. will write More later and just less than 3 hours to go. today I have been told to take off from the gym which I just might do that , we shall see about that as we know, I've been prone to change my mind on anything and everything. Good day!

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