Monday, November 15, 2010

Sitting Up Front...Reminiscing and Reflecting

Sitting up front long after my front desk duty was to be completed and running late for lunch I am in a daydream fog of whatever  right now, in between disinterest and disbelief and really looking a for a jolt of something to boost me in the right direction. Just re-read my morning Post of Raising the Bar and expectations and relived allot of good childhood memories of taking road trips with big sister to watch my brother Games, i can also remember my dad never went to my brothers Basketball games ,nor too many of the football games, but he never missed a Baseball game and we would roll to those wherever they were. My dad was so proud of his stud son who was really amazing to watch, and the thing about my brother that I always loved and admired is that he never talked trash and never gloated about anything to anyone, always the gentleman and always the class act was not like today's good jocks in high school, very unassuming and very nice to everybody, even today he has that demeanor of constant calm, almost boring and sleepy but you know he's watching and listening to everything going on. My brother is opposite of me and I am the guy who talks the shit and raises his voice and will ridicule you if you deserve it , I remember nearly causing riots at baseball and Basketball games in high school as I was that guy who would talk so much shit  it was sad, but in the end very inspirational to our teams and school spirit. Although not my intended reason was the school spirit is sounded good at the time but it was who i was at the time and still am, very angry at times and equally as happy, i love to wear these emotions on my sleeve and write about those emotions and go back and re-live at times. So today I sit up front totally blowing off my lunch for now and will go in a few and make the 30 minutes count somewhere, not really hungry but will figure out the best use of those 30 minutes! I am actually taking off from the gym today, it's been 2 weeks since my last day off and i have over worked tthe areas I need to work and the bikes are out of order at Bally's which is what I was hoping tpo work , can't do the treadmill that kills me with boredom,  don't know how people do that an hour at a time...damn that's dedication to boredom but at least they are there and doing something good for themselves. It's like watching terria on the elliptical machine for 30 minutes, I'm like shit, that rhythmic movement would put me to sleep. So I'm here at the front and ready to call in a relief pitcher who just so happens to be Jelly who we can never find at her desk and always in places she shouldn't, but i'm out for now and will be back for more Saurus Hi-jinx

1 comment:

  1. We just got our 60 minute lunches reinstated and its cool beans for everytbody til they piss off the boss again and take advantage of his kindness
