Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The Routine

Tuesday morning and the day is really warming up, most everybody is still not in the office as of yet, 830 and our workday starts at 700 am and still the office seems desolate with it's lack of employees. Hard to figure out how in this economy people don't take their jobs seriously and come to work , if not on time. Working for the Government gives you a sense of security and the enabling mentality of "they can't fire me" is very true around here. The fact that we have 4 people in our office today that would have lost their jobs 15 years ago due to all sorts of violations is proof in the pudding for that statement. But it is the federal Govt. and thats how they operate and always have operated so I'm not rocking any boats around here just showing up everyday and doing what I'm supposed to be doing and being at my desk ready for the infrequent customer, but I'm here at thats the key! I thought often what would most of these people do if they weren't working here for the Feds??? WOW! what a thought and it pains me to think that these would probably be the people serving my coffee or breakfast somewhere, not being mean, just keeping it real! Terria and i are on not what i would call diets , but cutting out certain foods and things that we have been around here lately, sucks being people who love to Bake and cook and make all kinds of things that are bad for us but truly have been pretty good about not sampling our wares too much and it will be good to fight throught he holidays and make that push for 20 lbs by Christmas which is always easy for me and the gym makes that possible by the frequency in which i visit. So I go back today and have a full workout of upper and lower body along with a warm up of cardio. The upper body workout consists 4 sets of 18 reps, of butterflies for the chest, reverse butterflies for the back, shoulder raises, military presses,tricep presses, tricep extensions, arm curls, reverse curls for forearms, seated rows, inverted pull downs and bench press. This covers the upper body and should be done in under 30 minutes if done properly which leaves very little time for rest i between sets, 11 exercise at 4 reps apiece =44 sets, so doing the math means 45 second to do a set and rest and hit the next set. i will then go over to start my leg workout which starts off with 4 set workout of leg presses, calf raises, done on the same machine, then Leg extensions, leg curls, back extensions, truck twists and finally sit up machine,one of 3 machine all different but working the same abdominal muscles. so 7 machines and exercises on the leg side and should take me 20 -25 minutes to do this, again very  little rest time and heart rate gets up which serves both cardio and strength training purposes. Generally when i don't take a day off i will do one of the other workouts but not both, but when i take a day off I do the whole workout in one sitting, I normally ride the bike for 20-30 minutes then go and workout the upper workout, or the lower depending on which day I'm at, throw in the after workout sit in the sauna or the jacuzzi after the shower and it's a good day, generally the weekends are when i will do the full workout and then sit in the sauna and jacuzzi, the gym is pretty busy during the workweek and at times gets really annoying with all the Cheddars in there not wiping off the machines or staying on a machine while talking on their phones. but since our lunchtime workouts got taken away by our now 30 minute lunches I'm stuck with the Bally's workout form here on. well Tuesday has started off nicely, got to re-arrange the blog site a little and post my first post of the day and look forward to a quick end of a workday and then head to the gym for the aforementioned workout and then head home and start the better part of my day. good day and talk more later

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