Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Politically Incorrect

What a beautiful day in Southern California, mid 80's today or so they say and 95 in Santa Paula and feeling the heatwave all along the southern part of the great state of California. Glad to see the voters did not vote in Whitman and Fiorina and put in Brown and Boxer !The whole Tea bagger movement is very scary to me and the fact they openly use scare tactics and racism all under the guise of the Bible seems so counter intuitive and so wrong to me. When it comes to politics and the world beat I am a simpleton, I don't grasp the whole political fight of power and greed but that's human nature i guess. The days of politicians doing thing for the betterment of the people who voted them in are gone, special interest groups and money making are the only reason people want to get into politics these day and for that I am sad that this once great nation is slowly becoming a third world venture being morally and ethically bankrupt for the sake of making the almighty dollar. The Republican party has gotten so far out of touch that it wants war , and it wants our current President to fail to prove their point , which at this time seems to be spite and jealousy and the extremist attitude that if our guy Isn't in there creating false wars we want to start our own.Very sad times and the fact that Fox news and others are allowed to call our leader every name in the book and blame him for our current state of affairs. Sad to think how bad we were when he took office and the mess that was left behind and everybody expects him to fix that mess that took 8 years to create in less than 2. Oh well i don't vote and never have voted , not even registered to do so. So enough about politics, thinking that my blackberry days are numbered, I love my phone but a new age has dawned and the iphone goes perfectly with my New Apple Mac Air computer very nicely, for music's sake I will make the switch and make musical downloads very easy to do with the very compatible user friendly plug and play downloads and Blue tooth accessibility, yeah , its time for a new start, besides the Blackberry is a semi touch phone and the iphone is all touch which I'm not a great fan of but really don't text that much anymore, and never call so this will be a nice music machine and text er for me. Not really big on the Blackberry slide out feature i always hit something which takes me to another screen, so the iphone is looking lie a one deal as soon as this afternoon. The Day is nearing the 10 am hour and I'm almost ready to take my post up at the front counter, Got some great news from my boss, we are hiring a new person here soon that will be an assitant to me and our off base housing program , they will do all of the legwork and run into town and seek ourt new rentals for our program and all i have to do is stay here and handle the customers in office, so less work than I already don't have ,WOW! it just gets better . Did get the noticce that my published blog Book has been shipped and is on it's way to the house, I'm really excited about seeing my first book and my writings in a real book form. Happy Birthday Terria

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